상자와 캡슐과 음악 장비라니! 맙소사!

커뮤니티 아티스트들이 제작한 17가지 무기 도색과 특별 희귀 아이템으로 클러치 상자 장갑이 포함된 레볼루션 상자를 오늘 출시하게 되어 기쁩니다.

또한, Steam 창작마당 아티스트들이 제작한 21개의 특별한 스티커가 포함된 첩보 스티커 캡슐도 준비되어 있습니다.

마지막으로 Denzel Curry ULTIMATE 음악 장비도 함께 출시되었으며, Denzel의 히트곡인 ‘Walkin’, ‘ULTIMATE’ 및 2022년에 발매한 ‘Melt My Eyez See Your Future’ 앨범의 다양한 수록곡이 포함되어 있습니다.

새롭게 출시한 3가지 아이템을 지금 바로 게임 내에서 만나보세요!

Release Notes for 8/23/2022

– Added the Initiators Music Kit Box and the StatTrak™ Initiators Music Kit Box, featuring 6 new music kits:
— 3kliksphilip, Heading for the Source
— Humanity’s Last Breath, Void
— Juelz, Shooters
— Knock2, dashstar*
— Meechy Darko, Gothic Luxury
— Sullivan King, Lock Me Up

[ MISC ]
– Added a message on the main menu for players whose inventory is reaching full capacity.
– Awarded “10 Year Birthday Coin” items to players whose inventory was at full capacity and did not receive a drop during the birthday week.
– Users without Prime Account Status can only invite Steam friends to a party lobby.
– Users without Prime Account Status see a limited profile view when inspecting non-friend accounts.
– Blocked player avatars will now display one of a set of premade custom avatars instead of a no-avatar-outline.
– Fixed Steam Controller input overlay mismatch during warmup.

[ MAPS ]
-Fixed bot navigation
-Added position names in the upper left corner
-Fixed various visual bugs
-Improved optimization a bit
-Moved the map away from the zero coordinates
-Reworked model of the fence, canopy, steps
-Various minor visual improvements
-Improved clipping throughout the map
Thanks Joaokaka1998, Cheburek

Primetime -> Cascade
– Name changed from Primetime to Cascade.
– Updated cave collision model.
– Improved clipping
– Reduced detail to help boost performance and limit visual bugs
– All particles, sprites, and glows have been removed
– Lighting has been altered

– Fixed various bomb stuck spots and clipping issues (thanks Joaokaka1998, LATE and Kerluck!)
– Made the blinds at A non see-through
– Added missing clipping to T spawn lamps
– Various small visual bug fixes

Dreams & Nightmares 무기 상자

Dreams & Nightmares 창작마당 콘테스트에서 선정된 17개의 무기 도색과 립타이드 작전 무기 상자의 감마 칼이 희귀 아이템으로 포함된 Dreams & Nightmares 무기 상자가 오늘 출시되었습니다!

CS:GO 팀은 전 세계 아티스트가 출품한 15,000여 개의 작품을 검토한 후 무기 상자에 포함할 17개의 무기 도색을 선정했습니다. 각 우승작에 미화 10만 달러가 돌아가며 총 상금 미화 170만 달러가 지급되었습니다.

우승작 제작에는 23명의 아티스트가 참여했으며, 이 중 14명은 창작마당에 처음 출품한 아티스트였습니다. 콘테스트에 작품을 출품하고 참여해 주신 모든 분께 감사드리고 싶습니다.

무기 상자는 이제 게임 내에서 드롭으로 획득하거나 Steam 장터에서 구매하실 수 있습니다!

CSGO Regional Major Rankings for 2022-23

2022/23 CS:GO Regional Major Rankings

To ensure that Majors feature the top teams in the world, we require that prospective Legends, Challengers, and Contenders maintain top form.

All teams participating in the 2022 and 2023 Majors will earn their invites through regional rankings, which will be updated based on their performance in the previous Major and a Regional Major Ranking tournament.

Teams competing in an RMR event will receive Major Ranking points based on their placement. The 2022/23 RMR competitions in all regions will have the following point distribution:

2021 Event Point Distribution
Place Prior Major RMR
1 1600 3200
2 1500 3000
3 1350 2800
4 1350 2600
5 1050 2400
6 1050 2200
7 1050 2000
8 1050 1800
9 450 1600
10 450 1400
11 450 1200
12 450 1000
13 450 800
14 450 600
15 450 400
16 450 200

Major Invitations

24 teams will be invited to the Major from six different regions based on their Regional Major Ranking.

In total, there are 8 Legend, 8 Challenger, and 8 Contender invitations available.

Each region will be allocated invites to the next Major based on that region’s performance in the preceding Major.


Q. What determines what region a team competes in? [UPDATED]

A. A team’s region is determined by the citizenship of the majority of its players. In case of a tie, the team chooses between the two.

Q. Can a team change their roster before the event?

A. When submitting a roster for an RMR event or Major, teams can change up to two members of their prior roster at a cost of 20% of the team’s points, per player. Replacing three or more players between events will result in a points reset.

E.g., if a team registers for the RMR event with 3/5 of their Major roster, their RMR points will be reduced by 40%.

Q. Does a team lose points if they make a roster change between events, but end up submitting the same roster as before?

A. No. Teams only lose points if they submit a roster for an RMR event or Major that is different from the preceding RMR event or Major.

Q. Can a team change their roster during an event? [UPDATED]

A. Yes. Teams can register a reserve player for each event. Between matches, and subject to tournament rules, the team can sub the reserve player in at a cost of 20% penalty to points earned at the event, and can sub the reserve player out for the original player at no additional cost. This can be done once during the event.

E.g., a team that fields a reserve player will receive 80% of the points earned at the event. If the original player returns to the lineup during the event, they will incur no further penalty for that event.

Q. If a team changes their roster during an event, what is the roster that earns them points?

A. Substitutions during an event do not affect the roster.

E.g., a team that changed their roster during an event wants to make their substitute a permanent member of their roster. They would lose 20% of their earned points at the current event, and an additional 20% of their total points when they register for the next event with an updated roster.

Q. When does a team get invited to an RMR event or the Major?

A. After a team submits their roster, their points are evaluated. After all teams register, invitations are sent to the top teams by RMR.

Q. What happens if an invited team declines an invitation? [UPDATED]

A. If a team declines an invitation to an RMR event or the Major, the next-highest ranked team by RMR receives their invitation. If there are no additional teams available by RMR then the remaining slots will be determined by a last-chance qualifier.

Q. Who earns points at an RMR event?[UPDATED]

A. Only the top N teams will earn points, where N is the number of invitations available to a region, with a minimum of 4.

Q. How many points do teams earn if they tie for a position?

A. If teams tie for a position, they receive the average points available for those positions.

E.g., if the first RMR event does not tie-break 3rd and 4th places, both teams get 1350 RMR points.

Q. What happens if a team withdraws from an in-progress event? [NEW]

A. A team that withdraws from an in-progress event will be ignored for the purposes of determining RMR ranking for the event, i.e. the team will receive no RMR points and the rankings will be recalculated, if necessary.

Q. Who is allowed in the players’ rooms and on the game server during an online match?

A. Only the players are allowed in their competition area during an online match. Coaches, staff, and others should not be present, visible, or in communication with players from the start of a map until it is concluded.

Q. Who is allowed in the competition area during a LAN match?[NEW]

A. Only the players and their coach are allowed in the competition area during a LAN match. The coach may not be seen, felt, nor heard by the players in any manner outside of tactical time-out and half-time periods from the start of a map until it is concluded.

브로큰 팽 작전 종료

브로큰 팽 작전은 오늘로 종료되지만, 인기 있는 일부 기능은 계속 사용 가능합니다. 아직 사용하지 않은 별이 있다면 5월 15일까지 사용하세요. 그 후에는 만료됩니다.

프리미어 경쟁 모드와 탈환 모드는 많은 인기를 얻어 게임에서 계속 즐기실 수 있습니다. 프리미어 경쟁 모드는 경쟁 탭에서 선택할 수 있으며, 탈환 모드는 모의 전쟁 탭으로 옮겨졌습니다.

공식 매치메이킹의 경쟁 매치 및 윙맨 매치의 통계를 계속 수집하고 싶은 사용자, 또는 브로큰 팽 작전에 참여하지 않았지만 통계 기능을 사용해보고 싶은 사용자들은 월 미화 0.99달러로 ‘CS:GO 360 통계’를 구독하실 수 있습니다. 구독을 통해 ‘CS:GO 360 통계’ 페이지 뿐만 아니라 경쟁 및 프리미어 게임 모드에서 여러분의 팀의 라운드 승률 보고서를 확인할 수 있습니다. 추가 정보는 ‘CS:GO 360 통계’ 지식 베이스 페이지를 참고하시기 바랍니다.

맵 변경

오늘 업데이트의 일부로 현역 맵이 변경되었습니다. 기차는 게임에서 제거되었으며, A 지점이 새롭게 개조되고 B 지점이 일부 수정된 고대 맵을 만나보실 수 있습니다.

또한, 게임에서 사용할 수 있는 커뮤니티 맵도 업데이트됩니다. 모카와 그라인드 맵을 이제 경쟁 스크리미지뿐만 아니라 다른 게임 모드의 해체 그룹 시그마 매치에서도 플레이할 수 있습니다.

게다가 칼라베라와 피트스톱을 이제 윙맨 모드로 플레이할 수 있습니다.

새로운 무기 상자

스네이크바이트 무기 상자에는 커뮤니티가 제작한 17가지 무기 도색이 있으며, 희귀한 특별 아이템으로 브로큰 팽 장갑도 포함되어 있습니다!