On to the Legends Stage

After a thrilling Challengers Stage, 16 teams remain at the PGL Antwerp Major. Congratulations to G2 Esports, Vitality, ENCE, Outsiders, Team Spirit, Bad News Eagles, Imperial Esports, and Team Liquid!

They’ll battle for a ticket to the playoffs when the Legends Stage begins this Saturday, May 14th at 12:00 CEST. Watch the action live on Twitch or steam.tv.

There’s still time to play the Pick’Em challenge (make your picks before the matches begin on Saturday), earn and purchase Souvenir Tokens, and show off your support with team and player autograph stickers! 50% of the proceeds go to the players, teams, and organizations participating in the 2022 Antwerp Major.

Campionii PGL Stockholm 2021!

După aproape doi ani, CS:GO are un nou campion al unui campionat major. În fața unui număr record de spectatori entuziasmați pe arena din Stockholm, NAVI a obținut în mod dramatic victoria în fața celor de la G2 în marea finală după două prelungiri și a închis seria cu 2-0.

Începând de azi sunt disponibile capsule cu autografele jucătorilor, în onoarea campionilor și a celorlalți finaliști de la campionatul major PGL Stockholm 2021. Vei găsi autografele lui s1mple, electronic, Boombl4, b1t și Perfecto în capsula cu autografele campionilor, oferite pe abțibilduri de hârtie, holografice și aurii.

Autografele celorlalți finaliști se regăsesc în capsula cu autografele finaliștilor, fiind și acestea oferite pe abțibilduri de hârtie, holografice și aurii.

Ești gata să-ți arăți sprijinul față de aceste legende ale CS:GO? 50% din venituri vor merge către echipele și organizațiile participante la campionatul major.

Grenadă de șoc? Dans!

Dacă ți-a plăcut spectacolul live oferit de cei de la Verkkar în cadrul campionatului major, acum ai șansa de a obține pachetul muzical al acestora, Flashbang Dance (în colaborare cu marele jucător de Counter-Strike, Jordan „n0thing” Gilber).

CSGO Regional Major Rankings for 2022-23

2022/23 CS:GO Regional Major Rankings

To ensure that Majors feature the top teams in the world, we require that prospective Legends, Challengers, and Contenders maintain top form.

All teams participating in the 2022 and 2023 Majors will earn their invites through regional rankings, which will be updated based on their performance in the previous Major and a Regional Major Ranking tournament.

Teams competing in an RMR event will receive Major Ranking points based on their placement. The 2022/23 RMR competitions in all regions will have the following point distribution:

2021 Event Point Distribution
Place Prior Major RMR
1 1600 3200
2 1500 3000
3 1350 2800
4 1350 2600
5 1050 2400
6 1050 2200
7 1050 2000
8 1050 1800
9 450 1600
10 450 1400
11 450 1200
12 450 1000
13 450 800
14 450 600
15 450 400
16 450 200

Major Invitations

24 teams will be invited to the Major from six different regions based on their Regional Major Ranking.

In total, there are 8 Legend, 8 Challenger, and 8 Contender invitations available.

Each region will be allocated invites to the next Major based on that region’s performance in the preceding Major.


Q. What determines what region a team competes in? [UPDATED]

A. A team’s region is determined by the citizenship of the majority of its players. In case of a tie, the team chooses between the two.

Q. Can a team change their roster before the event?

A. When submitting a roster for an RMR event or Major, teams can change up to two members of their prior roster at a cost of 20% of the team’s points, per player. Replacing three or more players between events will result in a points reset.

E.g., if a team registers for the RMR event with 3/5 of their Major roster, their RMR points will be reduced by 40%.

Q. Does a team lose points if they make a roster change between events, but end up submitting the same roster as before?

A. No. Teams only lose points if they submit a roster for an RMR event or Major that is different from the preceding RMR event or Major.

Q. Can a team change their roster during an event? [UPDATED]

A. Yes. Teams can register a reserve player for each event. Between matches, and subject to tournament rules, the team can sub the reserve player in at a cost of 20% penalty to points earned at the event, and can sub the reserve player out for the original player at no additional cost. This can be done once during the event.

E.g., a team that fields a reserve player will receive 80% of the points earned at the event. If the original player returns to the lineup during the event, they will incur no further penalty for that event.

Q. If a team changes their roster during an event, what is the roster that earns them points?

A. Substitutions during an event do not affect the roster.

E.g., a team that changed their roster during an event wants to make their substitute a permanent member of their roster. They would lose 20% of their earned points at the current event, and an additional 20% of their total points when they register for the next event with an updated roster.

Q. When does a team get invited to an RMR event or the Major?

A. After a team submits their roster, their points are evaluated. After all teams register, invitations are sent to the top teams by RMR.

Q. What happens if an invited team declines an invitation? [UPDATED]

A. If a team declines an invitation to an RMR event or the Major, the next-highest ranked team by RMR receives their invitation. If there are no additional teams available by RMR then the remaining slots will be determined by a last-chance qualifier.

Q. Who earns points at an RMR event?[UPDATED]

A. Only the top N teams will earn points, where N is the number of invitations available to a region, with a minimum of 4.

Q. How many points do teams earn if they tie for a position?

A. If teams tie for a position, they receive the average points available for those positions.

E.g., if the first RMR event does not tie-break 3rd and 4th places, both teams get 1350 RMR points.

Q. What happens if a team withdraws from an in-progress event? [NEW]

A. A team that withdraws from an in-progress event will be ignored for the purposes of determining RMR ranking for the event, i.e. the team will receive no RMR points and the rankings will be recalculated, if necessary.

Q. Who is allowed in the players’ rooms and on the game server during an online match?

A. Only the players are allowed in their competition area during an online match. Coaches, staff, and others should not be present, visible, or in communication with players from the start of a map until it is concluded.

Q. Who is allowed in the competition area during a LAN match?[NEW]

A. Only the players and their coach are allowed in the competition area during a LAN match. The coach may not be seen, felt, nor heard by the players in any manner outside of tactical time-out and half-time periods from the start of a map until it is concluded.

Finalul operațiunii Broken Fang

Operațiunea Broken Fang ia sfârșit astăzi, dar câteva dintre cele mai populare caracteristici ale sale vor fi disponibile în continuare. Reține faptul că, dacă ți-au rămas stele pe care nu le-ai folosit încă, mai ai timp până pe 15 mai să le valorifici, după care acestea vor expira.

Modurile Competitiv Premier și Retakes s-au bucurat de o mare popularitate și le vom păstra. Modul Competitiv Premier este în continuare accesibil din fila Competitiv, iar modul Retakes se regăsește acum în fila War Games.

Pentru cei care doresc să continue să-și urmărească statisticile din modurile oficiale de Competitiv și Wingman (sau aceia care nu au participat la operațiunea Broken Fang, dar doresc să încerce această funcționalitate) este disponibil un abonament pentru statistici CS:GO 360 pentru suma de 0,99 USD/lună. Acesta include accesul la pagina cu statisticile CS:GO 360 și raportul cu privire la probabilitatea de câștig a echipei tale în modurile de joc Competitiv și Premier. Informații suplimentare pot fi găsite în articolul nostru despre statisticile CS:GO 360.

Modificări aduse grupului de hărți

Actualizarea de astăzi conține modificări pentru hărțile din grupul Active Duty. Train părăsește gara pentru a face loc hărții Ancient, care prezintă o zonă A reconcepută alături de modificări minore aduse zonei B.

Am actualizat, de asemenea, hărțile comunitare disponibile în joc. Mocha și Grind sunt acum disponibile în modurile Competitiv Scrimmage și grupul de dezamorsare Sigma, dar și în alte moduri de joc.

În plus, hărțile Calavera și Pitstop sunt disponibile acum în modul Wingman.

O nouă cutttttie cu arme

Cutia cu arme Snakebite dispune de 17 finisaje create de comunitate pentru arme și include obiecte speciale rare, precum mănușile Broken Fang!

CSGO Regional Major Rankings for 2021

2021 CS:GO Regional Major Rankings

To ensure that the 2021 Fall Major features the top teams in the world, we will require that current RMR Legends, Challengers, and Contenders demonstrate that they are still in top form.

All teams participating in the next Major will earn their invites through regional rankings, which will be updated based on their performance in upcoming Regional Major Ranking competitions.

Teams competing in an RMR series will receive Major Ranking points based on their placement. The 2021 RMR competitions in all regions will have the following point distribution:

2021 Event Point Distribution
Place 2020 Standings RMR 1 RMR 2 (Optional) RMR 3
1 600 1600 2000 2500
2 600 1500 1875 2344
3 600 1400 1750 2188
4 600 1300 1625 2031
5 600 1200 1500 1875
6 600 1100 1375 1719
7 600 1000 1250 1563
8 600 900 1125 1406
9 300 800 1000 1250
10 300 700 875 1094
11 300 600 750 938
12 300 500 625 781
13 300 400 500 625
14 300 300 375 469
15 300 200 250 313
16 300 100 125 156
17-24 100

Major Invitations

24 teams will be invited to the Major from six different regions based on their Regional Major Ranking.

In total, there are 8 Legend, 8 Challenger, and 8 Contender invitations available.

Each region will be allocated invites to the next Major based on that region’s performance in the preceding Major. Based on the results of the 2019 Berlin Major, the invitations for each region are as follows:

2021 Fall Major Invitation Distribution

November Stockholm Invitation Distribution
Legends 3 2 3 0 0 0
Challengers 6 1 1 0 0 0
Contenders 2 2 1 1 1 1
Total Invitations 11 5 5 1 1 1

[UPDATED] Note that the invitations available to each region will be finalized once the first RMR events begin. They are subject to change, depending on where the 2020 Challengers and Legends choose to begin their path.


Q. Will there be Minors for the next Major?

A. There will be no Minors ahead of the next Major. Regional Major Rankings will be used to determine all 24 invitations. There will not be a separate path for teams to qualify.

Q. What determines what region a team competes in?

A. Given the circumstances, teams’ regions are determined by their current location.

Q. What happens if a team changes region?

A. Regional Major Rankings only represents a team’s performance relative to other teams in the region. Therefore, any region change by a team will result in a reset of the team’s Major Ranking points.

Q. Can a team change their roster before the event? [UPDATED]

A. When submitting a roster for an RMR event, teams can change up to two members of their prior roster at a cost of 20% of the team’s points, per player. Replacing three or more players between events will result in a points reset.

E.g., if a team registers for the summer RMR competition with 3/5 of their May roster, their RMR points will be reduced by 40%.

Q. Does a team lose points if they make a roster change between RMR events (or the Major), but end up submitting the same roster as before? [NEW]

A. No. Teams only lose points if they submit a roster for an RMR event that is different from the preceding RMR event.

Q. Can a team change their roster during an event? [UPDATED]

A. Yes. Teams can register a reserve player for each event. Between matches, and subject to tournament rules, the team can sub the reserve player in at a cost of 20% penalty to points earned at the event, and can sub the reserve player out for the original player at no additional cost.

Each time the team chooses to sub a reserve player in, they incur an additional 20% penalty to points earned at the event.

E.g., a team that fields a reserve player will receive 80% of the points earned at the event. If the original player returns to the lineup during the event, they will incur no further penalty for that event. They can choose to field the reserve player again later in the event, however they would incur an additional 20% penalty (i.e., they would earn 64% of the points for the event).

Q. If a team changes their roster during an event, what is the roster that earns them points?

A. Substitutions during an event do not affect the roster.

E.g., a team wants to make their substitute a permanent member of their roster. They would lose 20% of their earned points at the current event, and an additional 20% of their total points when they register for the next event with an updated roster.

Q. When does a team get invited to an RMR event (or Major)? [UPDATED]

A. After a team submits their roster, their points are evaluated. After all teams register, invitations are sent to the top teams by RMR.

Q. What happens if an invited team declines an invitation?

A. If a team declines an invitation to an RMR event or the Major, the next-highest ranked team by RMR receives their invitation.

Q. Who earns points at an RMR event?

A. Only the top N teams will earn points, where N is the number of teams invited by RMR.

E.g., an event that invites top 4 teams by RMR and 12 teams by other means will only generate RMR points for top 4 places. An event that invites all 16 teams by RMR will generate RMR points for all 16 places.

Q. How many points do teams earn if they tie for a position?

A. If teams tie for a position, they receive the average points available for those positions.

E.g., if the first RMR event does not tie-break 3rd and 4th places, both teams get 1350 RMR points.

Q. Who is allowed in the players’ rooms and on the game server during an online match? [NEW]

A. The players, exclusively. Coaches, staff, and others should not be present or in communication with players from the start of a map until it is concluded.